Sunday 22 May 2011

"Have you ever tried... not being a mutant?"-X-Men 2 (2003) Review

X-Men 2 Review

Director: Bryan Singer
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Codestar30 Rating: 6.5/10

When an assassination attempt is made on the President of the U.S. by the mutant Night Crawler (Alan Cumming), a military scientist, William Stryker (Brain Cox) is authorised to begin the hunt for Night Crawler. Meanwhile, the 'X-Men', a team of mutants dedicated to the protection of mutants from humans and visa versa, are also trying to track down the assassin. Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), a rouge member of the 'X-Men' is still trying to re-discover his shrouded past and overcome his amnesia. Mystique (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos), the last remaining free member of the 'Brotherhood', a group of mutants devoted to achieving mutant superiority, is trying to find away to break her leader, Magneto (Ian McKellen), out of his plastic prison where he has been incarcerated since the last film after being captured by the 'X-Men'.

This film is widely regarded as the best of the the 'X-Men films', and I would have to agree. It's arguably the most gritty of the X-Men films, possibly equaled by 'X-Men' 1. This is 1 movie that doesn't shy away from drugging and abducting children.

It's go enough action. Not as much as I personally prefer in a super hero movie, but it's got enough. There's a fair few fire balls flying, fists swinging, claws slashing, storms brewing, lasers shooting, missiles firing, jets zooming, flips, jumps, kicks and teleportations. Pleasantly there is a big fight sequence in the opening scene so the film definitely jumps straight in, and hooks your attention. 

The acting isn't too cheesy considering its a super hero movie. Hugh Jackman does a good job as Wolverine, and gets a fair bit of character development in this movie. I thought Rebecca Romijn-Stamos was very good, playing Mystique. I didn't really like the way Famke Janssen played Jean Grey; she wasn't too bad, but she was a bit cheesy. Although he doesn't get much of a look in this movie I did quite like James Marsden's performance, and if you agree and want to see more of him then X-Men 1 is where you can find him. 

The setting's damn good on the whole. A large portion of the film takes place in Strykers secret underground base, and it looks fantastic, with a green glow from crappy old underground lighting, worn equipment and walls, massive heavy rusted mental doors, and the laboratory where Wolverine was given his 'Adamantium' skeleton with its human fish tank, chains, cables and bubbling tub of molten 'Adamantium'. 

A movie thats worth a watch if you like the X-Men films, or are a fan of the superhero genre. You may just find that this move certainly has the X factor. 

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